Department Goals

Department Goals

Department Goals

To assist the public in a professional manner with their case.

  • To handle each case on an individual bases.
  • To make sure that each case filed in our court is adjudicated in a fair manner.
  • To provide courteous staff to assist the public.

Each case that is filed in the Panorama Village Municipal Court is considered an individual case and is adjudicated in that manner. Judge Gary Scott considers each case with the utmost fairness and equality.
The Panorama Village Municipal Judge is Gary Scott he is an appointed official and a certified attorney.
To know more about the Municipal Court system you can log onto

Ticket Information

If you have received a citation that has been filed in the Panorama Village Municipal Court please allow five to six working days before you call for assistance. Once the citation is issued it may take those days for it to be filed (entered into the computer). The Judge cannot accept a plea on the cases until it has been filed in our Court.

Court Arraignment

The date at the bottom of your citation is your due date or Court Arraignment date. It is a date that you will appear before the Municipal Judge and make a plea of guilty or not guilty. This date is usually on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. If you are pleading NOT GUILTY, you will appear before the Judge and he will let you speak to the Prosecutor before you are given a trial date. If you are pleading GUILTY, you can request one of six options:

  • Pay in full
  • Payment Plan
  • Extension of time to pay in full
  • Deferred Disposition (if you DO NOT HAVE A COMMERCIAL DRIVERS LICENSE) and $20.00 for equipment violations.
  • Dismissal with correction of charge and dismissal fee of $ 20.00 (Expired Motor Vehicle Inspection, Expired Registration or Expired Drivers License) Time Served when incarcerated with proof of incarceration.